Building Blocks Book

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The Building Blocks of Tabletop Game Design: An Encyclopedia of Mechanisms is now available for purchase! Or, you can check out a free 50-page sample first. The book is intended to help designers and students learn about hundreds of different mechanisms and how they work. It is cross-referenced with sample games, and includes a detailed conversation about how each mechanism can be used, and how it has been developed over time.

Building Blocks contains about 200 entries for different game mechanisms, each accompanied by a diagram, from designer and graphic artist Daniel Solis. You can read about his work in developing these diagrams at his Patreon page.

Instructors interested in using the book for a class, please request and inspection copy. Librarians, you may have access to an electronic version through Taylor & Francis ebooks.

You can buy the book as an e-book or a softcover. Hardcover copies are available for libraries and other institutions that anticipate heavy usage.

US Retailers
CRC Press
Barnes & Noble
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Blackwells (UK & shipping worldwide)
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Binge (Kuwait)
Kinokuniya (Japan)
Amazon (Australia)
Ubuy (Middle East)

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